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Groups and Projects at the Electron Club

Below are links to information about some of the groups and projects currently active at the Electron Club. From each link you will find information about what they do, when they meet, and contact details if you want to find out more or get involved.

Whilst we encourage support for not-for-profit groups and projects, you don't have to be part of one to use the Electron Club. Individuals are also welcome to join, make use of the mailing list and book the space for their own activities.

BRIDGE project - social networking project for community groups

Clydeside IWW - the voluntary-run industrial union

Digital Desperados - video and film-making workshops

Document Film Festival - Glasgow-based international documentary film festival

Glasgow FabLab - project to create a public FabLab (Fabrication lab) in Glasgow

Glasgow Social Centre - project to create a social centre for the Glasgow area

SOLDER - electronics for amateur radio

Scots Pure Data Group - audio-visual programming and performance

Glasgow Open Source hardware group (goshg) - A group interested in building open source hardware centred round the arduino board. External site

Past groups

AnarchoTV - project developing online community TV channel and related distribution tools

Leccie Knitters - DIY electronics group

Glasgow Green Map - online and print-based map of environmental and recycling resources in Glasgow

Freeduino - group for people building Freeduino kits

Related Groups and Projects

There are also a number of groups and projects who do not meet at the Electron Club itself but have either been involved through shared members, or have been supported by Electron Club in the past, or taken part in one of our events. The links below provide information on some of these.

Close - neighbourhood arts project

City Strolls - the art of living in the city

d*tch - Dundee-based group for Free Software and socially-engaged projects.

Dorkbot ALBA - Edinburgh-based group, for anyone interested in electronics and related things

Engineer Aid - organisation supporting sharing of engineering knowledge and skills in developing countries

FLOSS Manuals - a series of clear and easy to follow manuals for various Free Open Source Software tools

Girl Geek Scotland - GirlGeeks is a community for women and girls interested in technology, creativity and computing.

goto10 - international artists group focusing on use of Free Open Source Software

McMADSAT - the Glasgow Makers Fair

Polytechnic - Newcastle group, similar to Electron Club

Stramash - artist-run studio and gallery

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groups.1379498250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/23 10:55 (external edit)