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DIY Synth Group

This is the wiki page for the Electron Clubs DIY Synth and music tech group.

Hi everyone, you’ve come to right place if you’re interested in DIY synthesis, guitar pedals, noise makers or small music equipment repairs. As of right now we’re a small group who largely work on Eurorack format modular synthesis but are open to people with interests in all kinds of DIY-able music making gear. We welcome people with any level of electronics knowledge, from absolute beginner to expert.

We meet on Saturdays between around 12:30 - 5.00 and are normally soldering together kits, designing new equipment, talking about music tech news and/or drinking coffee. If you’re interested in getting started or are already building and looking for a community feel free to come along and have a chat!

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groups/diy_synth_group.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/26 17:45 by kenny

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