[ELECTRON] Booking: Tonight (22nd November) Direct Action Workshop

Thomas Coles tomcoles at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 11:24:16 UTC 2010

Thanks for the reply Martin,

some people have asked me to clarify what I mean by 'Direct Action', because
the term is used by the media to categorize a wide range of events. Sorry
about that. I realize 'action' or 'direct action' is kind of scary. Our aim
is to keep people informed, not only if they are asked to take part in the
future, but when they hear the media using the term.

It is an education meeting on the history, with recent examples such as the
Vodaphone sit-ins, school sit-ins in Glasgow, the Climate Camps, Climate 9,
Climate Rush, citizen's arrests of politicians etc. Also the Jarrow Crusade,
rent strikes, poll tax resistance from further back. The Diggers, the
levelers etc.  The workshop will talk about the ethics, the pragmatics
(legal and material). We are talking about things that may seem rather tame,
but are often portrayed in a much more sinister light than they really are
(or not reported at all).

A strike is an action, a teach-in is an action. In Glasgow a march that
hasn't been approved by the council / police can be considered an action. It
is an attempt to make your voice heard somewhere other than the ballot box:
it sounds scary because of the way the media portray it, but these things
are safe, respectful, educational, communal and uplifting. Some 'actions'
move into realms of dubious legality: but the point in this meeting is to
make people aware where that line is, and how to be aware of crossing it.
There is also a difference between Non-violent and Violent direct action. We
will be discussing Non-violent direct action. There may be some discussion
of illegality, but often protest has been made illegal by certain regimes.
The right to protest is enshrined in all human rights laws.

This meeting is not a planning meeting, it is an educational meeting. There
will be no call to arms or anything like that. It will be faciliated by
people who have taken part in such things for years, as well as people who
never have. Hope to see you there. If you have any questions, don't hesitate
to contact me.

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