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The Electron Club is a voluntary run space where people interested in things like Free Open Source Software, DIY culture, circuit bending, hardware hacking, streaming, audio and video editing, green technologies, and amateur radio can meet, use equipment, and share and disseminate their skills and ideas.

We encourage an attitude towards technology, media and DIY production that recognises the relation of these to society and the environment. The Electron Club welcomes debate and the development of practices that question and explore existing and new ways of working and understanding these.

The space also provides a location that not-for-profit community and discussion groups can use at no charge for meetings and to develop projects.

All are welcome.

If you any questions about the space, want to book it for your own use, or join one of our workshops, you can contact us here.

Where to find us

The Electron Club is based in the Centre for Contemporary Arts:

350 Sauchiehall Street

CCA on OpenStreetMap - CCA on Google Maps

See the CCA website for opening hours or check the calendar for Electron club related meeting/event times.

Who we are

Lots of different people are involved in the Electron Club. You can get involved as an individual or as part of a group. One of our main features over the years is in providing a free space for not-for-profit and voluntary groups involved in areas related to DIY technology, community media and environmental activities to meet and develop work.

There are a number of groups who meet on a regular basis and others who meet on a more occasional basis or for specific projects. See the groups section for more information.

Individuals are also welcome to join and use the facilities for their own projects, and many of our current members are just such people pursuing their own projects and hobbies.

Upcoming Events

Embedded systems & Microcontrollers

There will be an event to play with embedded systems and microcontrollers on the 23rd of May 12.00 to 16.00. Devices such as the Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Mailing list discussion

N.B. This is not a structured workshop, rather a get together/hackathon style event. There is no set workshop being taught. People will be in the space using these technologies. All are welcome to come along, ask questions and play with the equipment.

All events take place at the Electron Club space at the CCA.

A complete list of events can be found in the calendar. Please click on any events you're interested in for a further description.

Unless otherwise stated, are free for everyone, including members of all abilities and anyone else who would like to come along or try things out.

For information on workshops, projects, joining the Electron Club, Electron Club IRC channel and various other things, go to our info pages and groups section.

Hope to see you there!

What is Free Open Source Software, etc?

To learn more about that these things are have a look at some of the articles in our online library or come along to an event or project and see for yourself.

You can also listen to this audio interview made by Electron Club member Bob speaking to Simon and Ben:

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welcome.1430917785.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/06 13:09 by kenny