Fwd: Vote for us - The STEAM powered Tardis

Bob Hamilton bob at citystrolls.com
Thu Feb 8 23:07:48 GMT 2018

Oor place fund

The Tardis Project will consist of the building of a Dr Who type police 
box. (converted to a Peace Box) In it will be installed a variety of 
activities that will range from performance, music, arts, as well as 
(low voltage) electronic and computer projects that will make noise and 
light. The building and installation will take place in workshops at 
Kinning Park Complex, Electron and other places. Once the solar powered 
Tardis is completed we will then time-travel through the community and 
beyond and do workshops at different spaces, in the park, the town 
square, the market, shopping centre, school or wherever we land.

When the summer project finishes the pod could be lent out to groups or 
community centres to use for education and fun purposes. It could also 
be used as a recording booth to let folk record their stories for the 
community archive.

Get voting ya'all. Help to build it to if you want. B.





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