Democracy is a conversation

Bob Hamilton bob at
Thu Oct 12 08:49:57 BST 2017

THE RADICAL IMAGINATION PROJECT, will be at the Electron Club at the CCA
during Document 2017 film festival for some discussion workshops. The
purpose of the workshops is to promote the launch of our new website and
to inspire in ourselves and others a reawakening of the radical

THURSDAY 19 Oct.  7:00 9:00

Intro to the work of the Radical Imagination Project

Find out what the re-imagined project is about. The discussion will
include current and future projects and what we hope to achieve from our
work. We will be laying out avenues of participation, with a view to
engaging new collaborators in the dialogue towards solutions to
community based engagement in problem solving.

FRIDAY 20 Oct  1:00 4:00

Tools against austerity. Open Source tools we can use to increase open

Tools for talking, social libraries, servers, free computers, free
software, solar power, home devices, Our ideas compared with the Gov’s
on solar energy and Open Source, The need for an Open Government, to
deal with questions of landlords, developers, corruption, sanctions,
disincentives, poverty, debt, suicide, asylum, And all of the barriers
that prevent ordinary folk from “having a decent life”

SATURDAY  21 Oct. 7:00 9:00

Q and A Conversation on ideas around what is stopping us!

What are the barriers? What stops participation? What would encourage
more? Where are the mentors for our young. How do folk get started. The
obsession with ownership? The obsession with things? The baby boomers
revolution what happened to them? Inter-generational collaboration? How
do we get folk to invest in public life, for the sake of our youth,
future generations and the common good and our own sense of purpose. We
have some ideas around this and you probably have to.

SUNDAY 22 Drop-in Drop-out - All Day

Weather permitting we will be bouncing about with our wheelchair trailer
decked out in LED signage and getting on the street to talk to folk
about the common good and whatever else turns up. Meet at the CCA for
some general chat and a cup of tea and to find out more. You will notice
us there will be flashing lights:) and a filming crew. Ask at desk where
you can find us.

All welcome and Free! Please forward to those who may be interested. Ta

Email: info at

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