Electron club - 10th anniversary meet up

Rob Spencer rob at gmsn.co.uk
Wed Jun 29 07:06:32 BST 2016

Hey Martin,

How about 3ish? We’ll do a quick demo, then people are free to have a play on the modular synth.

Rob Spencer

07590 267835

On 27/06/2016 13:19, "Martin McGrath" <members-bounces at electronclub.org on behalf of mcgrath.martin at gmail.com> wrote:

>Rob, that sounds ideal. Will you bring along a Pure Modular?
>Isabell the approximate running order of events is below.
>12:00 - 12:30
>    Introductions, very brief talk about the Electron club.
>    A quick word from a representative of the groups currently using the space
>    Get stuck into the cakes, tea, coffee & juice. If you bake and
>bring something along I'm sure we'll find a home for it.
>From 1pm the 'learn to solder' will be available. We have various
>beginners style kits available.
>From 2pm the lightning talks. If there's anything you want to talk
>about or show off take the floor for 10 minutes and do so. Remember
>this does not have to be anything technical.
>Rob, is there a time you want me to schedule your synth stuff in for?
>Generally I think we keep it free and easy, it's a celebration as much
>as anything else. We have the space all day, music, treats and
>hopefully a bunch of people from all walks of life, with various
>interests getting together, which is often when great things happen.
>For a rough idea of numbers please add your name to the list below if
>you plan on attending, or email me directly.
>I'll keep the list and the homepage updated with new events or any changes.
>Hope to see you on Saturday

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