Electron club - 10th anniversary meet up

Rob Spencer rob at gmsn.co.uk
Thu Jun 23 19:41:58 BST 2016

Hi Martin,

Looking forward to this :) Can’t believe it’s only been 2 years since our first meet at the CCA!

Would it be okay to do a quick talk on the Pure Modular we launched at Sonar+D this year?


Rob Spencer

07590 267835

On 19/06/2016 09:13, "Martin McGrath" <members-bounces at electronclub.org on behalf of mcgrath.martin at gmail.com> wrote:

>We have a the room booked to have a get together on Saturday 2nd of
>July for the 10th anniversary of the Electron club.
>All are welcome. Cake, cookies and as usual tea & coffee will be
>provided. If you want to bring in some home baking I'm sure we'd find
>space for it :)
>I propose we kick off with a brief overview of the history of the
>Electron club followed by some general discussion on the subject of
>the space.
>In addition to this I think it would be great if we could have a
>representative of each group who are currently using the space to give
>an overview of what they do, how they make use of the facilities and
>anything the have planned for the future. If you plan on doing this
>please let me know.
>Apart from this we've booked the room for the whole day, so we're open to ideas.
>I propose a couple of events:
>A soldering workshop, since we have plenty of kits left over from the
>last time, and this has been quite popular in the past, people enjoy
>learning to solder.
>A round of lightning talks. If you're not familiar with the concept, a
>lightning talk is a short presentation usually lasting only a few
>minutes. If there is a topic you'd like to give a lightning talk on
>(this does not have to be a technical presentation) please let me know
>on or off list.  Similarly if there is a topic you'd like to see a
>talk given on a particular subject feel free to ask on list, in case
>there is anyone willing to volunteer to talk about it. I hope to see
>some new faces contributing as well as the usual suspects :)
>We're looking for more events. If you have a workshop or talk or
>anything else you want to do which does not fit the limitations of the
>lightning talks mentioned above  please let me know.
>As always, please feel free to reply on or off list if you have any
>questions about any of this.
>Hope to see you there

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