[ELECTRON] New members

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 11:29:05 BST 2015

Hi everyone,

Please welcome the following new members:

Kyle Mcaslan

"Hey there!, recent graduate from GSA and founder of GSA's hacker
group Artschool i/o! Known about the electron club for a while and
figured i should get involved. I've covered pretty much all the
"maker" basics, everything from arduino to processing, with a
particular interest in the creation of new ways to interact with
music. My youtube channel has all my guff Thanks!

Michael Fowler

"I'm studying an MSc in Sound Design. Interested in audio electronics,
building kits. repair etc. Thanks!"

Maxime Thiébaut

"Hi, I'm a student in mechatronic and I would like to come, for now I
don't have any project, but maybe I could help you for yours"

Robert Canevy

"I have always been interested in science since I was a child. I am
looking for either a science club or computer club to help exercise my
skills that little bit more. I am currently on an applied science
course where after I want to do physics. Any computer club and science
club would be great to join."

Katherine McKenzie

"I'd like to learn about most of the things desribed on your home page
including open source software and green technologies and I'd like to
learn about writing/designing webpages. I would also like to be able
to use the space for meetings with the Glasgow social centre."

Welcome aboard everyone.

If you've not done so already please check out the info section of the website:


To send a message to the mailing list please follow the guide:


As aways, the list of upcoming events can be found on our Calendar:


Take a look and see if there's anything that interests you. The
entries are created by the person making the booking, sometimes
there's not enough detail to describe what's going on. In such
instances sending a message to the mailing list for clarification
should result in an explanation.

If you're interested in starting a new group/or otherwise booking the space see:


or email info at electronclub.org with further questions.

Michael in addition to the Electron club, you may be interested in the
Glasgow Makes Some Noise group: gmsn.co.uk

Apologies for the short delay in adding you all to the list. Please
let me know either on (or off list if you prefer) if you have any
questions about anything Electron club related.


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