[ELECTRON] Room tidy up and clear out

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 11:42:42 GMT 2015

I was in the room yesterday picking something up and I'm amazed at the
difference the tidy up has made.
Specifically we've regained a lot of space people can work in and the
organisation and availability of existing equipment and storage is
much improved.

Thanks to those who have already removed stuff which shouldn't be
there or have taken some of the kit for their own use.

There are however some items remaining which should be removed ASAP.
This clean up began in October.
The criteria for what should be removed has already been discussed on list.

A big thanks to Kenny and anyone who helped him do the vast majority
of the work here. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

It's important that we maintain this, and not let things creep back to
the way they were.



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