[ELECTRON] Public meeting tonight

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 12:00:47 GMT 2015

On 5 January 2015 at 16:08, Bob Hamilton <bob at citystrolls.com> wrote:
> Telling folk on the club list before facebook is a good idea to avoid these
> things and disappointments (and some of us ain't on facebook:)

To reiterate part of what Bob is saying, the purpose of emailing the
members list is also to inform other members of an event taking place.

One of the core concepts of a hackerspace is getting other people
involved. If people are informed of an event they can choose to show
up. Outside of the core 'techy' groups who meet, this almost never
happens. When I email people asking them to follow the guidelines or
improve the data in room booking entries so that it's meaningful to
humans (they often contain no relevant information) my requests are
mostly ignored.

In part this will be resolved by the new booking system which should
email the list automatically.

The barrier for participation here is ridiculously low, if you want to
use the room please do the bare minimum required, which really isn't
asking a lot.



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