[ELECTRON] New members

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 12:04:35 BST 2015

Please welcome new members:

Peter Morton

"I am an electronics engineer retired due to disabilities, this has
left my brain with a need for exercise, I have been filling this void
with lot's of things like - Arduino, NXP amongst other MCU projects
creating Wireless Lights, Sensors, displays and creating a "Flash
Wheelchair" and Environment Monitors amongst some of the projects."

Grant Anderson

"Hey! I'm a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student looking to get
involved in some events related to my course in order to gain some
invaluable experience and also to meet fellow engineering students!
Can't wait to get involved!"

The current bookings are visible on the calendar:


Please take the time to read the following:


If you have any questions please let me know



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