[ELECTRON] New Members, news from the CCA and notes

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Fri May 23 16:45:43 BST 2014

Afternoon all.

We've got some new members, a couple of which had been sitting in a spam
folder for a while, excuse the delay, a message from the CCA and some other
bits and bobs.

Firstly the members, welcome:

Ryan Harper:

    I'm an apprentice @ IBM in Greenock and would love to get involved in
the hackerspace. Now nineteen I started work at IBM straight out of school
and currently work as a system adminsitrator for Windows & AIX systems ,
hopping between a number of projects as most sysadmins do. Always
interested in learning something new alongside meeting great new people in
the world of tech & open source. I'd enjoy working together to hack a
better future for ourselves. It'd be fantastic to get involved.

Calum Morrell:

    I've been a member before, but either I can't recall my username or
it's no longer active.

(Calum, some accounts associated with email addresses which constantly
bounced were removed some time ago, I see no associated un-subscribe
message for your name)

David Blair:

    I am the Glasgow Secretary of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity

    We are looking to find another location for our fortnightly Monday
evening meetings. They are on the second and fourth Monday's of every
month. Usually from 7pm to 9.30ish.

    I am very interested in nature, social and environmental justice, human
rights, freedom of speech, equal rights for all and leaving the world a
better place than it was when I came into it.

William Hamish Bell:

    I am interested in being involved in computer and electronics outreach
in the Glasgow area.  In particular, I have been working with the Raspberry
Pi computer and local school teachers, to explore programming and simple

Tony Khan:

    Hi, I have been involved in running a theatre group called
    World Spirit Theatre, our plays are based on Forum Theatre theme and
    we do plays inspired by real life events faced by asylum seekers and
    refugees, The group is a mix of asylum seekers, ex-asylum
    seekers(refugees) and local people, We have done few performance in
    Scotland and a couple in England as well, I'll paste the link to our
    website you can have a look, It's volunteers run group and we don't
    any funding what so ever in the past there was a group called
    Philanthrobeats and we been using that money for rehearsals in
    Kinning Park Complex but now we have been struggling with funding so
    I was wondering if it would be possible to use the space Electron
    Club is offering.

Jasmine Sallis:

    I am a volunteer at The Unity Centre in Glasgow that provides practical
support and solidarity to asylum seekers, migrants and refugees in the
Glasgow area. At present I am involved in running and setting up numerous
campaigns regarding forced removals of particular nationalities such as the
Stop Removals to Somalis and LEt Libyans Stay campaigns. Another involved
disputed nationalities of Somalian nationals from the Bajuni tribe -

    At present, however, a group of us are preparing to start an inclusive
cricket team to encourage the sport in Scotland and also give many asylum
seekers who are waiting for their cases to be decided and have been
dispersed to Glasgow to have access to a team and to share their skills in
the sport with the local community or learn new skills. We were informed by
one of our friends who has an office in CCA of the electron club and
advised to join.

Club members old and new should be aware of the information in the
following links, please take 5 minnutes to read these again:



I've sent out notes before on the importance of having proper entries in
the calendar, but people seem to be ignoring it. Contact details are
required when making a booking, as is an email to the mailing list (members@
electronclub.org) to announce the booking. Please update any existing
bookings which don't have this information.

Please do not reschedule existing bookings unless this has been agreed with
the people in charge of the other event . Again, this is another reason why
contact details or a URL which has contact details is required.

We'll be looking at migrating to a different booking system in the near

The CCA have sent out a note to all staff and cultural tenants:

"I have noticed an increase of doors being left unlocked and spaces left
unattended throughout the building.

All doors that have the controlled entry locks should be kept shut. When
coming and going please check that the door closes fully behind you. If
left to swing shut the electronic lock may not catch every time, leaving
you and your colleagues belongings and workspaces open to unauthorised

On a similar note, please do not let anyone wait in a private space for
another Cultural Tenant or building user. Unless you are certain of their
identity and reasons to be in the building please ask guests to wait in the
foyer or cafe.

If you have any questions or concerns please ask me or one of the other
Duty Managers (dutymangers at cca-glasgow.com). If you are aware of anyone
suspicious we can keep an eye on their movements in person and via our CCTV

If you are allowing your space to be used by anyone new to the building
while you are not around it would be good practise to let us and our the
reception staff know to expect them."

Please adhere to the above requests at all times. If you have any questions
feel free to contact me off list, or reply to this email.

Thanks, have a great weekend.

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