[ELECTRON] New member & Edinburgh mini maker faire

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 10:02:29 GMT 2013

Welcome new member Vladimir Panek who writes:

"Hello My name is Vladimir.
I'm working as a web developer in Glasgow city center.
I really like to play with hardware and software.
I have couple projects that I was thinking, read or hear about.
I would love to build my own mobile phone based on 'MIT Media Lab DIY kit',
or door lock with build in face recognition running on raspberry Pi.
Unfortunately my skill set is oriented more towards the software, so have
people around that could show me how to do stuff I have no clue about would
be great.

That's why I would like to join the club to meet people like minded people.

Thank you"

Also Maaroof Fakhri has made contact regarding the 2014 Edinburgh mini
maker faire, more details available via the URL provided below:

"Hi there,

I am organising the 2014 Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire as part of the
Edinburgh International Science Festival (April 5-20, 2014). We have just
announced our 'call for makers' and I would love it if you could pass the
word out amongst your maker community.

Last year the MMF attracted 3000 visitors and over 100 makers, performers,
exhibitors and more. We would love for your community to be represented at
the MMF and have as many people apply to come and showcase their skills and
goodies they make!

Please let me know if you would be happy to pass the call on to them, and I
can email it through. Our website has more information if you are
interested: http://makerfaireedinburgh.com/"


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