[ELECTRON] Complaints

Martin McGrath mcgrath.martin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 12:15:06 GMT 2013

Yesterday the CCA reception contacted us to report a complaint. Someone had
seen a listing for an event, turned up and nobody was there. Then then
proceeded to complain to the CCA about various things.

The initial complaint was that they'd been through the website and
complained that there was no way to find out more information about the
Electron Club, or the group in question. In my reply I pointed out that
there is lots of information on the site about the Electron club, a contact
form should they have had any other questions, and that the group in
question have their own dedicated mailing list and website.

The night they attempted to attend happened to be the day that severe
weather conditions closed many public transport services and damaged
buildings. In my reply I pointed out that in some circumstances events may
be cancelled with little or no notice. Obviously this is not unique to us
as a group.

However this is not an isolated incident. Over the last 18 months I've
received several emails complaining about various things, events not going
ahead as advertised, the lack of information in calendar entries (no
contact email/URL) or people turning up to find that others are using the
room without booking it.

In recent memory I've sent out at least two emails about the calendar

If you are going to use the space at all, even during the day, add a
calendar entry.
If you pop in and decide to use the space for a few hours, add a calendar
entry (there is a working computer in the room).
Where at all possible, update bookings for events which will not start on
at the time advertised, or go ahead at all. Prepend the title with the word
"Cancelled". Keep in mind that not everyone who may be interested in
attending is on the mailing lists, so won't necessarily see cancellation
messages posted there.

Even for the complete novice this will not take more than 10 minutes to

Follow the guide on the website when booking, instructions are fairly
simple to understand. Don't skip any of the parts, include all of the
information as requested in the FAQ.

Keep in mind that the calendar is not simply there to show existing members
and people who know about events when something is happening, non
members/new comers also use this to find out what's going on, and when. The
CCA also rely on this information should they need to contact people at
short notice.

Complaints directly to the CCA may reflect badly on us as tenants. Making
life difficult for the CCA is not in our best interests as a collective.

If you have an existing entry in the calendar please review this now to
ensure it matches the criteria requested. If you are using the room and not
adding an event to the calendar, please begin to do so.


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