[ELECTRON] Maklab Shopping List... Help needed....

Clive Mitchell bigclive1 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 12:43:41 UTC 2012

On 6 February 2012 12:10, Roy Mohan Shearer <fy81le at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Fume extractor - if not workshop extraction.

I've never had any joy with fume extractors.  They make lots of fan
type noises, but the flux vapour still aims straight for you when you
solder.  I think the only decent fume extractors are the externally
ventilated ones, which are way too expensive for such a small amount
of soldering as is likely to occur in a fab-lab.

Anyone who's soldered for a long time will already know that you tend
to develop a technique of breathing out and gently blowing the fumes
away as you solder.  Largely because breathing in flux fumes,
particularly the caustic ones associated with lead free solder is

Clive Mitchell

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