[ELECTRON] This week's events at the Free Hetherington

Alice fleabite531 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 21:18:46 UTC 2011

Hope nobody minds me posting this here.  If you want to join the free
hetherington announcement list please send an email to
freehetheringtonannounce+subscribe at googlegroups.com

Here's the program for the next 7 days.  Obviously events get added on
continuously so check the wordpress blog or facebook (link from the
blog) for uptodate listing.

Please forward.

Cheers. :)

Wednesday 23rd February
3-5pm Communications and Marketing for Activists and Non-Profits I:

In this three-part course, former non-profit marketer Alistair
Davidson will teach you how to plan a communications campaign from the
ground up. In part one of the course, we will discuss the strategic
aims of communication, and learn how to conduct a research survey in a
role-playing exercise.

Over the whole course, we will create a complete communications
strategy for a campaign to save a local park. The techniques will also
apply to other non-profit communications, from trade union organising
to fundraising for oxfam.

5-7pm Occupation Meeting

5-8pm Pastry tutorial in the kitchen.  Part of the weekly vegan
cooking and baking series.
We're going to try to make these cooking demonstrations a regular

This week Andy is going to make Chilli for the occupation, and also
have a pastry tutorial, demonstrating a couple of different types of
pastry :)

Thursday 24th February
11-12 noon Technology and Direct democracy.  Paul Cockshott

3-5:30pm Film: Agora
Film about the life of Hypatia, the first female mathematician and
philosopher known to history.

8pm Karaoke (Downstairs)

Friday 25th February

5-6pm The Psychology of Will.  Experimental perspectives on free will
and determinism.  With Dr Rob Jenkins. Senior lecturer in psychology.

6:30pm. Make your own vegan pizza. (Kitchen)

8:30pm Film screening. “Paris is Burning”  As part of LGBT History
Month, we will be showing Paris is Burning, a 1990 documentary film
directed by Jennie Livingston. Filmed in the mid-to-late 1980s, it
chronicles the drag ball culture of New York City and the various
ethnicities, including African American, Latino gay and transgender
community involved in it. Many consider Paris Is Burning to be an
invaluable documentary of the end of the "Golden Age" of New York City
drag balls, as well as a thoughtful exploration of race, class, and
gender in America.

We will have a short discussion afterwards where people can share
their views on the film. BYOB!

Saturday 26th February
3-5pm Occupation meeting

6-8pm Good sex and consent again

8pm Film. “London” by Patrick Keiller
Sunday 27th February
1-4pm Children's Film Screening: Whale Rider

Whale Rider is the story of a native Maori girl in New Zealand who is
the only possible successor to her grandfather, the leader of their
tribe - but he won't consider her for leadership because she is a

The film will be followed by a discussion of issues raised, if the
kids are up for it. :)

Juice and snacks will be provided!

9pm. Poetry Open Mic.  (Downstairs) Very popular weekly slot.  Bring
your own poem, prose, or something you like written by someone else.
Supportive environment to try something out.

Monday 28th February
2-4pm Knitting (Downstairs) Learn to knit, improve, share your skills
or just knit in company.

5-7pm Occupation meeting

9pm Pub Quiz

All events in the upstairs room unless specified.
The Free Hetherington.
13 University Gardens.

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