[ELECTRON] Pure Data and politics

Firebrand_Boy thefirebrandboy at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 18 14:45:46 UTC 2010

I've just finished an installation piece using Pure Data and some other command line tools and wanted to share with you guys. Might be particularly relevant due to Simon's recent post about art to affect social change.

Video: http://vimeo.com/15946639

Blurb: "david ca%%%%: scottish conser%%%%" is an audio visual exploration of the effects of a condem government on britain as they implement ideological cuts and dissolve any notion of a "fair" society. data-corruption is used as an allegory for this social erosion and the effects are sonified to give an audio image of this.

the process: pure data generates pseudo-random values between user-defined ranges; these values are sonified and used to create pitches and effect the timbre of audio. these values are simultaneously used to corrupt a jpeg image to produce an animation of data and societal breakdown. 



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