[ELECTRON] Arduino.

Gordon JC Pearce gordonjcp at gjcp.net
Tue Nov 30 16:56:09 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 15:26 +0000, Ben Dembroski wrote:
> I'm pretty lazy.
> I've used a few flavours of the Arduino (Standard, Mega, Nano,
> Freedunio, etc.) always programmed using the Arduino language.

I have a couple of tinker.it "real" Arduinos (both 168-based) and a
Freeduino (328-based).  I rarely bother with the slow, awkward and
eye-bleedingly ugly Java IDE.  It's fairly easy just to use normal
makefiles and a proper editor.  They just use avr-gcc and friends, with
a fairly straightforward STK500 bootloader so you can upload code to

I started writing a gedit plugin to duplicate the functionality of the
Arduino IDE without the horrific overhead of running Java, but I got
bored and shelved it.

Gordon MM0YEQ

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