[ELECTRON] people's projects, social events, computer logins

Simon Yuill simon at lipparosa.org
Tue Dec 7 21:14:04 UTC 2010


Thanks Kim and Michael for the info on your projects, all sounds good.
Hope you're have a good time in the US Kim, there's quite a few doocots in
the east end where I live.

This reminds me there has not been much social activity in the space
recently, and if people maybe want to have a get together either before
the holidays (once the snow has cleared a bit) or after in the New Year?

Lastly, Yasmin asked about the logins to the computers in the room.

Long in name is: smiley
Password is the same.

At least that is for the Linux systems. I'm not sure what's been set up on
the other machine with some strange looking interface system I haven't
seen before. If the person who set it up can either let people on the list
know or leave a note on the wall next to the machine that'd be great.

Meanwhile enjoy the snow everyone.

best wishes

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