[ELECTRON] pd - OSC patching circle

Gordon JC Pearce gordonjcp at gjcp.net
Fri Apr 30 06:57:21 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 07:55 +0100, Ben Dembroski wrote:
> Yes, we need to look at the calendar.
> Evenings are the the only real option for me, and it gets a little 
> complicated due to child care (wife is out of town a lot).

Mondays are free this month, and the middle two Thursdays.  Fridays
aren't really a goer for me because I'm at the radio club.

I was thinking of doing an electronic music night for likeminded
musicians to get together and discuss things, demo things and generally
chat.  It could probably be once a month, maybe on a Thursday or Monday.
I don't know if you want to make the patching circle one of those?

Gordon MM0YEQ

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