[ELECTRON] PHP - question. . . webcam script...again(ish)

Gordon JC Pearce gordonjcp at gjcp.net
Thu Apr 22 22:36:25 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 10:03 +0100, Clive Mitchell wrote:

> It makes me wonder whether any of those solar powered parking ticket
> machines actually generate enough power to issue tickets or if they
> need to be fitted with a fully charged battery when the cash is
> collected.  (Especially the ones that have their panels pointed
> directly into a wall or overhead canopy.)

I don't know, but I'm likely to be talking to some Parking Attendants
next week.  I'll try to remember to ask them.  I doubt they require much
power to print tickets, and they probably don't have to do it *that*

Gordon MM0YEQ

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