[ELECTRON] Fwd: other materials, homework, resources

Paola Di Maio paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 19:48:51 UTC 2010

Greetings all!!!

a few things in prep of the workshop next Friday 23rd



*a) resources and reading*
please familiarise with at least some of these resources posted here



*b) participants list*
A few people have emailed me , but I have lost track,

participants should please join the mailing list here

and if they plan to attend please enter your name (click edit, enter your
name and save)

*c) Supplies?  we may need a white board or flip chart with markers on the
day, lots of papers and colors to brainstorm *
**we may also need some tea, corffee and biscuits to keep us going, I guess
if we all bring a small thing, there should be plety to go around?

People interested in meeting Simon and learning how to operate the EC
equipment, please turn up eary!
when you arrive, hook up your laptop or find a machine to work, and kindly
help out to make sure we have enough chairs, tables,
papers, and that at least one laptop is going to be hooked to the projector
so that we can look at online resources and demo stuff

*d) want to add somethng to the agenda?*
* *anyone wanting to add a slot please update the workshop agenda by
entering your name, tentative time and
what you want to talk about?
Anything else?
Look forward to be meeting everybody


Paola Di Maio
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein

Paola Di Maio
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein
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