[ELECTRON] dundee haskpace / t-list info

magnus lawrie magnus at ditch.org.uk
Tue Apr 6 10:09:48 UTC 2010


Best wishes,



Hack Dundee

Hackspace Dundee are a loose coalition of Free Software advocates. We all participate in clubs, societies or other groups that encourage free speech and open society. Through attendance at talks and participation in mailing lists we have drawn together around the mutual aim to establish a shared computing space (or hackspace) in Dundee.

We think precedents for such a hackspace exist in many countries; despite the great diversity of these spaces, established models and groupings are readily found online. Our members have contacts to 'hack-labbers' in the UK and elsewhere, which we believe can assist us in realizing a hackspace here in Dundee. 

We intend that the hackspace would be open to anyone at regular times, play host to workshops and events that inform about computing and digital culture and that it would provide a focal point for public local intiatives, as well as, we hope, draw input from around Scotland and elsewhere.

If you would like to participate then contact magnus at ditch.org.uk or subscribe to T-List and  introduce yourself: http://lists.ditch.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/t-list


T-List is not TayList (Death to the T-Lab)

T-List (pronounced Taylist) is a Dundee and Tayside internet mailing list. It is for general announcements and discussion for all people with interests in creative use of technologies.

Originally, the list was an adjunct to an informal hack and cake baking meet, hosted mainly by participants themselves, during 2008-9. Some of these people later joined students of the local Art College MSc in a short series of sessions on PureData. The original group, before this, was called Tay-Lab (or T-Lab); hence Tay-List (or rather, T-List).

As well as being a channel for general announcements, T-List has developed into a place for creative exchange, concerning technologies of all kinds and members' interests range from stitching and drawing through to hardware hacking and human-computer interaction.

Be Welcome. 

Get on the list and have your say: http://lists.ditch.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/t-list

More information about the members mailing list