No subject

Mon Jun 22 09:59:43 UTC 2009

5v.  Usual way of connecting this is to have a 10k or thereabouts pot which
lets you vary the voltage between 5v and ground. There is an example wiring
diagram on the datasheets for RS product

If you don't supply the correct voltage to this pin by using the pot trimmer
then either the contrast will be too light (nothing displayed) or you'll see
'blocks' as the contrast will be too dark. You've probably seen this before
in things like personal organisers, graphic calculators etc.


On 23/6/09 20:34, "Brian Hewitt" <brianhewitt1 at> wrote:
> I've done the basic blinking and fading light things on the arduino and now
> I'm trying to control a 16x1 LCD display. I've seen some tutorials on the web,
> and I know that there's an LCD script library that comes with the development
> environment. I have the example (usual "hello world") script and hooked it up
> with all the pins connected correctly, but it's not working (well, the back
> light comes on, but that's it...).
> I'm stumped about one of the pins on the LCD I have, which is not mentioned in
> any of the tutorials - the spec sheet calls it Vo: the supply voltage for
> driving the LCD (separate from the +5v supply voltage for the logic). The
> specs say it takes a variable voltage, but +1v typical. Anyone know anything
> about how or if that should be connected?
> Cheers!
> Brian

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