Holford-Lovell, Donna d.holford-lovell at abertay.ac.uk
Mon Jun 22 21:10:05 UTC 2009

CURATORIAL APPRENTICES REQUIRED* – In search of the Superstar Curator

As a curatorial apprentice, guided by the Norwegian writer & curator Olav Henriksen, I am investigating the notion of the ‘superstar curator’ in an attempt to create (or manufacture) the perfect curator. I am now looking to recruit WORLDWIDE APPRENTICES to help on this project. The ‘superstar curator’ is a fairly virginal phenomenon, but increasingly we are seeing curators of a ‘superstar’ calibre, most of which play the international circuit, making them c-o-n-s-i-d-e-r-a-b-l-y more ‘windswept and interesting’.

WORLDWIDE APPRENTICES are required to document, observe, capture the ‘superstar curators’ in action. Professionally – their notions, expressions, commitment, discussions, writings, peers, colleagues, images
. Catch them in the street, restaurant, gallery, pub, shopping mall
. What are they reading, wearing, doing, considering
. ? Documentation can be text, image, audio, video, footprints, beer mats, napkins, emails, autographs, newspaper clippings. The correlated data will be fed back to Olav Henriksen who from which will extract the formula of the ‘superstar curator’. From his initial findings an online magazine will be published which will include a mix of celebrity (curator) news, gossip and fashion, listings and a major celebrity (curator) interview.

Henriksen’s extrapolations will create a virtual manifestation of the ‘superstar curator’ along with a text based transferable model. It is envisaged that the ‘virtual superstar curator’ will become available to hire, creating the future project curator on loan scheme, 2011.

*This is a volunteer position; all participants will be given formal recognition and included in any publications.

Please email olav at gmx.co.uk if you would like to join the project.

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